How to uninstall silverlight on mac
How to uninstall silverlight on mac

The browser ballot was conceived by Microsoft and the European Commission, with input from the other browser makers, Opera, Mozilla, and Google (I’m not sure if Apple participated in any meaningful way). On a related note, Opera is already claiming an increase in downloads.

how to uninstall silverlight on mac

A few browser vendors are – once again – unsatisfied with the ballot’s design.

how to uninstall silverlight on mac

Anyway, to get to the point: we have more complaints. It turns out this was the much-talked about browser ballot – after installing, though, I couldn’t find the darn thing (probably because I uninstalled IE long ago).

how to uninstall silverlight on mac

Just this morning, as I turned on my bedroom Windows 7 PC, I was greeted by the familiar “You’ve got updates!” notification.

How to uninstall silverlight on mac